John Everett Millais26
John Everett Millais26

John Everett Millais26

John Everett Millais26

John Everett Millais26

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| Edgar Hilaire Germain de Gas177 | Associate of Leonardo da Vinci - An Angel in Green with a Vielle | Style of Anthony van Dyck - The Horses of Achilles | Olive Trees on a Hillside | Francesco Bassano II (1549-1592) -- Summer | Juanes, Juan de-Melquisedec, rey de Salem-80 cm x 35 cm | Mountjoy Blount, 1st Earl of Newport George Goring, Baron Goring by Sir Anthony Van Dyck | The Foyer, 1896 | Beruete y Moret, Aureliano de-Barrio de Bellas Vistas-57 cm x 81 cm | Anders Askevold - Study of six Pigs | HOME |