Luca Giordano - Perseus turning Phineas and his Followers to Stone
Luca Giordano
Perseus turning Phineas and his Followers to Stone

Luca Giordano - Perseus turning Phineas and his Followers to Stone

Luca Giordano - Perseus turning Phineas and his Followers to Stone

Luca Giordano - Perseus turning Phineas and his Followers to Stone

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| Adolph Menzel NC064 | Adriaen Ysenbrandt - The Magdalen in a Landscape | Titian--Filippo Archinto (born about 1500, died 1558), Archbishop of Milan | Sandro Botticelli -- Virgin and Child surrounded by Five Angels | PIERRE-AUGUSTE RENOIR-LES LAVEUSES, 2E PENSEE | John Singleton Copley--Mrs. Sylvanus Bourne | Frits Van den Berghe - Village sweethearts | Italian Woman (Agostina Segatori) | Francesco Solimena and Johann Gottfried Auerbach -- Charles VI | Unknown man, formerly known as Sir Thomas Overbury from NPG | HOME |