Mary, Queen of Scots after Nicholas Hilliard
Mary, Queen of Scots after Nicholas Hilliard

Mary, Queen of Scots after Nicholas Hilliard

Mary, Queen of Scots after Nicholas Hilliard

Mary, Queen of Scots after Nicholas Hilliard

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| Mary Delany (nee Granville) by John Opie | Carducho, Vicente-San Bruno reza en La Torre, Calabria-337 cm x 297,5 cm | Philippe Bernaerdt - The Board of the Surgeons Guild in Bruges | Gustav Klimt035 | John Constable (72) | Paul Klee22 | Theodore E. Pine--The Daughters of Daniel T. MacFarlan | Viladomat, Antonio-La Sagrada Familia y San Agustin-107 cm x 72 cm | PIERRE-AUGUSTE RENOIR-PORTRAIT DE GEORGES RIVIERE | Street in Sainte-Maries | HOME |