Peter Paul Rubens509
Peter Paul Rubens509

Peter Paul Rubens509

Peter Paul Rubens509

Peter Paul Rubens509

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| Franz Werner Tamm - Flowers, fruits and a white rabbit, 1707 | Pierre-Auguste Renoir, French, 1841-1919 -- Peaches (Les Peches) | Urgell e Inglada, Modesto-La vuelta del entierro-38 cm x 70 cm | Charles Willson Peale, American, 1741-1827 -- Portrait of Martha Cadwalader Dagworthy | Lodovico Carracci (1555-1619) -- Apparition of the Virgin and Child to Saint Hyacinth | PIERRE-AUGUSTE RENOIR-FEMME NUE SUR LE CANAPE DE NICE | Josse Lieferinxe, French, documented 1493-1505-8 -- Saint Sebastian Destroying the Idols | Jonas Umbach--March (one of a series representing the labors | Saint John the Baptist Saint Francis Receiving the Stigmata | Luca Giordano - A Homage to Velazquez | HOME |