Peter Paul Rubens63
Peter Paul Rubens63

Peter Paul Rubens63

Peter Paul Rubens63

Peter Paul Rubens63

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| Group associated with the Moravian Church by Johann Valentin Haidt | Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres - Madame Moitessier | Giovanni Ambrogio de Predis (c | Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres--Josephine-eleonore-Marie-Pauline de Galard de Brassac de Bearn | Alonso Sanchez Coello (c. 1531-1588) -- Infante Don Carlos | Peter Paul Rubens188 | Anders Zorn--Mrs. Walter Rathbone Bacon (Virginia Purdy, died 1919) | Simon Vouet -- Louis XIII between two female figures symbolizing France and Navarre | Berchem, Nicolaes Pietersz. -- IJsgezicht nabij een stad, 1647 | Rotari, Pietro -- Een jonge vrouw, 1756-1762 | HOME |