Peter King, 7th Baron King of Ockham by John Linnell
Peter King, 7th Baron King of Ockham by John Linnell

Peter King, 7th Baron King of Ockham by John Linnell

Peter King, 7th Baron King of Ockham by John Linnell

Peter King, 7th Baron King of Ockham by John Linnell

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| Torbido, Francesco -- De heilige familie met de heilige Catharina, 1525 | Ribera, Jose de-Santiago el Mayor-78 cm x 64 cm | Regatta, 1923 | Italian, Florentine - Cassone with a Tournament Scene II | Irma Giudici Russo - Portrait a Body | Wijck, Thomas -- Spinnende boerin, 1640-1677 | JOSEPH CHRISTIAN- (68) | The Sailers at Ouistreham, 1931 | Peter Paul Rubens687 | James Tissot - Portrait of the Marquis and Marchioness | HOME |