Richard Boyle, 1st Earl of Burlington and 2nd Earl of Cork by Sir Anthony Van Dyck
Richard Boyle, 1st Earl of Burlington and 2nd Earl of Cork by Sir Anthony Van Dyck

Richard Boyle, 1st Earl of Burlington and 2nd Earl of Cork by Sir Anthony Van Dyck

Richard Boyle, 1st Earl of Burlington and 2nd Earl of Cork by Sir Anthony Van Dyck

Richard Boyle, 1st Earl of Burlington and 2nd Earl of Cork by Sir Anthony Van Dyck

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| Unknown artist -- Allegorische voorstelling op de geboorte van Willem Frederik (1772-1843), prins van Oranje-Nassau, de latere koning Willem I, 1772 | Giovanni Battista Tiepolo and Workshop--Arithmetic | Edgar Hilaire Germain de Gas03 | Paul Klee38 | Veronese, Paolo (Taller de)-Las bodas de Cana-127 cm x 209 cm | Lucas Velazquez, Eugenio-Bodegon-79 cm x 100 cm | Jacob Duck - A Street Scene with Knife Grinder and Elegant Couple | Raffaello Santi021 (2) | Richard Wilson - Holt Bridge on the River Dee | Benson, Ambrosius-Santo Tomas y un donante-104 cm x 57 cm | HOME |