Sir Thomas Lawrence093
Sir Thomas Lawrence093

Sir Thomas Lawrence093

Sir Thomas Lawrence093

Sir Thomas Lawrence093

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Only $99.85 (20x24 ins)

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| Albrecht Durer -- Emperor Maximilian I | Theodore Caruelle d Aligny -- Rocks at Fontainebleau (Gorge-aux-Loups and Long-Rocher) | Crayer, Gaspar de-La Aparicion de la Virgen a Simon de Rojas-313 cm x 177 cm | Jan Brueghel the Elder- (48) | Rubens, Peter Paul -- The Elevation of the Cross, sketch for the triptych painted | Maino, Fray Juan Bautista-Paisaje con San Juan Bautista-74 cm x 163 cm | Edgar Degas - Little Milliners, 1882 | Hans Hofmann--Rhapsody | Pietro Perugino - The Archangel Michael | Jan Brueghel the Elder- (36) | HOME |