Still Life with Quinces (1888 - 1889)
Still Life with Quinces (1888

Still Life with Quinces (1888 - 1889)

Still Life with Quinces (1888 - 1889)

Still Life with Quinces (1888 - 1889)

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| Francois Boucher - Landscape with a Water Mill, 1740 | PIERRE-AUGUSTE RENOIR-LES LAVEUSES, 2E PENSEE | Ignace-Henri-Jean-Theodore Fantin-Latour, French, 1836-1904 -- Still Life with Chrysanthemums | Jan van Goyen - A River Scene, with Fishermen laying a Net | George Inness, American, 1825-1894 -- Short Cut, Watchung Station, New Jersey | Guido Reni - Susannah and the Elders | Adriaen Brouwer - Tavern Scene | Albert Pinkham Ryder (1847-1917)-Macbeth and the Witches | Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres -- Abbe de Bonald | John Acton, 1st Baron Acton by Franz Seraph von Lenbach | HOME |