The Banks of the Seine
The Banks of the Seine

The Banks of the Seine

The Banks of the Seine

The Banks of the Seine

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| Gros, Antoine-Jean -- Etude de cheval arabe harnache | PIERRE-AUGUSTE RENOIR-PAYSAGE A LA CABANE | Anders Zorn043 | Giordano, Luca -- Vier musicerende vrouwen, 1658-1660 | Adolph Menzel NC045 | Paris Bordone (1500-1571) -- Hieronymus Kraffter | Edgar Hilaire Germain de Gas170 | Camille Pissarro - The Boulevard Montmartre at Night | Michael Ancher - Children and young girls picking flowers in a field north of Skagen | Lead-Glass Vase, Roses, 1931 | HOME |