Sir George Elliot by Sir George Hayter
Sir George Elliot by Sir George Hayter

Sir George Elliot by Sir George Hayter

Sir George Elliot by Sir George Hayter

Sir George Elliot by Sir George Hayter

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| Attributed to Girolamo Mirola--Embracing Female Figures, Some Holding Musical Scores | El Greco-La Crucifixion-312 cm x 169 cm | Peter Paul Rubens -- Hermit and Sleeping Angelica | Gustave Moreau -- Amor and the Muses | Date last decade of the 1st century B | Bernaert van Orley -- Altar of Saints Thomas and Matthias | Jacopo Palma, il giovane -- Salome with the Head of Saint John the Baptist | Alfred Sisley022 | John Martin by Henry Warren | Auguste Renoir -Stephane Mallarme | HOME |