Sir Henry Mortimer Durand by W
Sir Henry Mortimer Durand by W

Sir Henry Mortimer Durand by W

Sir Henry Mortimer Durand by W

Sir Henry Mortimer Durand by W

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| Dowe, Douwe Juwes de -- Portretten van twee jongens in een landschap, de een gekleed als jager, de ander als Johannes de Doper, 1647 | Alexandre Cabanel--Florentine Poet | Francesco d Antonio di Bartolomeo - The Virgin and Child with Six Angels and Two Cherubim | Attributed to Pieter van MOL -- Antwerp, 1599 Paris, 1650 | King Charles I from NPG | William Morris Hunt--Sand Bank with Willows, Magnolia | Fosse, Charles de la-Acis y Galatea-104 cm x 90 cm | Antoon Claeissens - Mars surrounded by the Arts and Sciences, conquers Ignorance | Hubert Robert--Entrance to the Grotto of Posilipo | Alenza y Nieto, Leonardo-Retrato de caballero-57 cm x 46 cm | HOME |