Carl Blechen (1798-1840)-Weathered Tree Trunks in a Park
Carl Blechen (1798-1840)-Weathered Tree Trunks in a Park

Carl Blechen (1798-1840)-Weathered Tree Trunks in a Park

Carl Blechen (1798-1840)-Weathered Tree Trunks in a Park

Carl Blechen (1798-1840)-Weathered Tree Trunks in a Park

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| Montalvo, Bartolome-Bodegon-52 cm x 71 cm | El Greco067 | Raffaello Santi02 (3) | Charles Le Brun -- Carrying the Cross | Sandro Botticelli (1444 or 1445-1510) -- Virgin Adoring the Child with John the Baptist and Two Angels | Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn031 (4) | J. Alden Weir (1852-1919)-Knitting for Soldiers | Sandro Botticelli - The Adoration of the Kings | Guercino--Portrait of Morose Man in Half-Length | Bassano, Jacopo-Adoracion de los pastores-60 cm x 49 cm | HOME |