Study for Patrons and Lovers of Art by Pieter Christoffel Wonder
Study for Patrons and Lovers of Art by Pieter Christoffel Wonder

Study for Patrons and Lovers of Art by Pieter Christoffel Wonder

Study for Patrons and Lovers of Art by Pieter Christoffel Wonder

Study for Patrons and Lovers of Art by Pieter Christoffel Wonder

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| Francesco Guardi--The Fire at San Marcuola | Alessandro Magnasco, also called Lissandro and Lissandrino, Italian (active Genoa, Milan, Venice, and Florence) c. 1667-1749 | Jan Cossiers -- Ecce homo | A Farmer Entrusting the Plow to His Son | Benozzo Gozzoli (1421-1497) -- Triumph of Saint | Paris Bordone (1500-1571) -- Venus, Mars | Thomas Hardy by Walter William Ouless | Murillo, Bartolome Esteban-El Apostol Santiago-134 cm x 107 cm | Edgar Degas--Woman Combing Her Hair | Paul Signac - View of the Seine at Herblay | HOME |