Karel Dujardin - Landscape with a Shepherdess
Karel Dujardin
Landscape with a Shepherdess

Karel Dujardin - Landscape with a Shepherdess

Karel Dujardin - Landscape with a Shepherdess

Karel Dujardin - Landscape with a Shepherdess

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Only $99.85 (20x24 ins)

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| Sir Henry Raeburn--George Harley Drummond (1783-1855) | Giuseppe Arcimboldo - Terra, 1566 | Edwin Sandys Cicely Sandys (nee Wilford) from NPG | Poelenburch, Cornelis van-Paisaje con ruinas romanas y pastores-42 cm x 56 cm | Paris Bordone - Portrait of Nikolaus Korbler, 1532 | Pijnacker, Adam -- Schippers met hun boten aan de oever van een Italiaans meer 1650-1670 | Edgar Hilaire Germain de Gas094 | Jan Brueghel the Elder- (38) | Henri-Joseph Harpignies--Fir Trees in Les Trembleaux, near Marlotte | Malombra, Pietro-La Sala del Colegio de Venecia-170 cm x 214 cm | HOME |