Gillis Mostaert -- Moses striking water from the rock
Gillis Mostaert
Moses striking water from the rock

Gillis Mostaert -- Moses striking water from the rock

Gillis Mostaert -- Moses striking water from the rock

Gillis Mostaert -- Moses striking water from the rock

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| Bertichen, Pieter Godfried -- De scheepstimmerwerf D Hollandsche Tuin op het Bickers Eiland te Amsterdam | Andrea di Bartolo, Italian (active Siena), first documented 1389, died 1428 -- Virgin and Child Enthroned | Edgard Tytgat - Oriental tale | Guido Reni (1575-1642) -- Deianeira Abducted by the Centaur Nessus | Netherlandish - The Virgin and Child with Saint Anne | Pieter Claesz - Still Life, 1638 | Joaquin Sorolla y Bastida91 | Marco Basaiti - The Virgin and Child | Berckheyde, Gerrit Adriaensz. -- De bocht van de Herengracht bij de Nieuwe Spiegelstraat te Amsterdam, 1672 | Alexej von Jawlensky - Woman face | HOME |