Werff, Adriaen van der -- God roept Adam en Eva ter verantwoording, 1717
Werff, Adriaen van der
God roept Adam en Eva ter verantwoording, 1717

Werff, Adriaen van der -- God roept Adam en Eva ter verantwoording, 1717

Werff, Adriaen van der -- God roept Adam en Eva ter verantwoording, 1717

Werff, Adriaen van der -- God roept Adam en Eva ter verantwoording, 1717

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| Attributed to Jan Steen, Dutch (active Leiden, Haarlem, and The Hague), 1625-26-1679 -- Merry Company | P.S. Kroyer - Adrian Stokes | Belvedere, Andrea-Florero-151 cm x 100 cm2 | Attributed to Jan van Eyck, Netherlandish (active Bruges), first documented 1422, died 1441 -- Saint Francis of Assisi Receiving the Stigmata | Edouard Manet047 | Ivan Shishkin 61 | Auguste Renoir--Tilla Durieux (Ottilie Godeffroy, 1889-1971) | Follower of Jacopo Bassano - The Adoration of the Shepherds | Marten van Cleve I -- Oxen and the Butcher | Niccolo Frangipane Penitent | HOME |