Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo -- Venetian Mailbarge
Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo
Venetian Mailbarge

Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo -- Venetian Mailbarge

Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo -- Venetian Mailbarge

Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo -- Venetian Mailbarge

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| Vernet, Claude Joseph-Marina vista de Sorrento-59 cm x 109 cm | Tiepolo, Giandomenico - El charlatan veneciano, Ca. 1765 | Paolo Schiavo (Paolo di Stefano Badaloni), Italian (active Florence and environs), 1397-1478 -- The Nativity | Nicolas Poussin -- Summer | Coorte, Adriaen -- Een testje aardbeien op een stenen plint, 1705 | Attributed to Giovanni Maria Galli Bibiena, the Younger--Framed Unfinished Design | Allegretto Nuzi - Saint Catherine and Saint Bartholomew | Charles Le Brun -- Crucifixion with Angels | Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn010 (4) | Gerhard Munthe - Asmund in the King Hall | HOME |