Willem Roelofs - The rainbow
Willem Roelofs
The rainbow

Willem Roelofs - The rainbow

Willem Roelofs - The rainbow

Willem Roelofs - The rainbow

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| Claude Monet 019 | Jules Dupre--Landscape with Cattle at Limousin | Anonimo-Dos apostoles. Pintura mural de la ermita de la Vera Cruz de Maderuelo-186 cm x 252 cm | Antonio del Pollaiuolo - Apollo and Daphne | Goya y Lucientes, Francisco de-Fernando VII, ante un campamento-207 cm x 140 cm | PIERRE-AUGUSTE RENOIR-JEUNE FEMME A L OMBRELLE2 | Philippe de Champaigne -- Mother Catherine-Agnes Arnauld and Sister Catherine de Sainte Suzanne | Thomas Betterton by Sir Godfrey Kneller, Bt | Edgar Hilaire Germain de Gas108 | Mengs, Anton Rafael-El archiduque Francisco de Austria-144 cm x 97 cm | HOME |