Alexandre Calame -- Mountain Landscape
Alexandre Calame
Mountain Landscape

Alexandre Calame -- Mountain Landscape

Alexandre Calame -- Mountain Landscape

Alexandre Calame -- Mountain Landscape

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| El Greco099 | Sisto Badalocchio - Christ carried to the Tomb | ADOLPH TIDEMAND-YOUNG GIRL KNITTING | Queen Mary II by William Wissing | Ottavio Vannini -- Rebecca and Eleazer at the Well | Saint Catherine (1598) | Brueghel, Jan (I) -- Gezicht op een stad aan een rivier, 1600-1630 | Sandro Botticelli (1444 or 1445-1510) -- Madonna and Child among Angels | Walker Evans--19 Views of Painted Walls and Building Facades, Possibly for Color Accidents Series | Rembrandt - Saskia van Uylenburgh in Arcadian Costume | HOME |