Caspar Netscher -- Playing the bass viola
Caspar Netscher
Playing the bass viola

Caspar Netscher -- Playing the bass viola

Caspar Netscher -- Playing the bass viola

Caspar Netscher -- Playing the bass viola

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| Nicola Maria Rossi - Excursion of the Viceroy of Naples, Aloys Thomas Count Harrach, from the Pal | Still Life, Pears and Grapes, 1905 | Cima da Conegliano (Giovanni Battista Cima), Italian, active Venice and Veneto, 1459-60-1517-18 -- Bacchant | Peter Paul Rubens198 | Corte, Juan de la-El incendio de Troya-140 cm x 238 cm- | Goya--Weeping Woman and Three Men | Sir Robert Stopford from NPG | Slabbaert, Karel -- Het ontbijt, 1640-1654 | Marinus van Reymerswaele-El cambista y su mujer-83 cm x 97 cm | Luca Signorelli - The Adoration of the Shepherds | HOME |