Ferdinand Georg Waldmuller - Flowers in a Porcelain Vase with Candlestick and Silver Vessels, 183
Ferdinand Georg Waldmuller
Flowers in a Porcelain Vase with Candlestick and Silver Vessels, 183

Ferdinand Georg Waldmuller - Flowers in a Porcelain Vase with Candlestick and Silver Vessels, 183

Ferdinand Georg Waldmuller - Flowers in a Porcelain Vase with Candlestick and Silver Vessels, 183

Ferdinand Georg Waldmuller - Flowers in a Porcelain Vase with Candlestick and Silver Vessels, 183

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| John William Godward (61) | Jan Van Huysum -- Vase of Flowers in a Park | Walt Kuhn - Juggler, 1934 | Melendez, Luis Egidio-Bodegon con ostras, ajos, huevos, perol y puchero-41 cm x 62 cm | Anonimo-Louis Alexandre de Borbon, conde de Toulouse-90 cm x 74 cm | Domenico Veneziano - Head of a Tonsured, Beardless Saint | Vicomte de Barde Leroy -- Reunion of foreign birds | Giovanni Martino Spanzotti - Saints Nicholas of Tolentino and John the Baptist | El Greco12 | PIERRE-AUGUSTE RENOIR-SOUS-BOIS | HOME |