Jacopo de Barbari -- Virgin and Child flanked by Saints John the Baptist and Anthony Abbot
Jacopo de Barbari
Virgin and Child flanked by Saints John the Baptist and Anthony Abbot

Jacopo de Barbari -- Virgin and Child flanked by Saints John the Baptist and Anthony Abbot

Jacopo de Barbari -- Virgin and Child flanked by Saints John the Baptist and Anthony Abbot

Jacopo de Barbari -- Virgin and Child flanked by Saints John the Baptist and Anthony Abbot

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| The Angry Mother | Raffaello Santi057 (3) | PIERRE-AUGUSTE RENOIR-PAYSAGE A CAGNES 1 | Mary Cassatt27 | Unknown Artist -- De behandeling van krijgsgevangenen door de Tupinamba-indianen, in drie taferelen, 1630 | Bernardo Bellotto - Venice - The Grand Canal facing Santa Croce | Carducho, Vicente-El papa Urbano II llama a San Bruno a Roma-336,5 cm x 297,5 cm | Berkeley Drummond by William Salter | Jusepe de Ribera - St Bartholomew, 1632 | aelbert cuyp040 | HOME |