Paris Bordone -- Representation of a mythological Couple
Paris Bordone
Representation of a mythological Couple

Paris Bordone -- Representation of a mythological Couple

Paris Bordone -- Representation of a mythological Couple

Paris Bordone -- Representation of a mythological Couple

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| Coxie, Michiel I-Nacimiento de la Virgen. Anunciacion | Gonzales Coques - Family Portrait in a Landscape, 17th century | Peter Paul Rubens240 | Italian - A Man and his Wife | Gaudenzio Ferrari--Standing Virgin Holding the Christ Child | Pietro Longhi--The Letter | Haes, Carlos de-Puesta de sol (Elche)-18 cm x 26,5 cm | Melchior d Hondecoeter - Geese and Ducks | Pierre-Auguste Renoir - Children on the Seashore, Guernsey | Attributed to David Bailly--Portrait of a Man, Possibly a Botanist | HOME |