Sebastien Bourdon (1616-1671) -- The Beggars
Sebastien Bourdon (1616-1671)
The Beggars

Sebastien Bourdon (1616-1671) -- The Beggars

Sebastien Bourdon (1616-1671) -- The Beggars

Sebastien Bourdon (1616-1671) -- The Beggars

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| Emilia Francis (nee Strong), Lady Dilke by Laura Capel Lofft (afterwards Lady Trevelyan) | Lodovico Mazzolino, Italian (active Ferrara), first documented 1504, died 1528-30 -- Christ Washing the Feet of the Disciples | Leonardo da Vinci -- La Belle Ferronniere | Jacob Jordaens - The Adoration of the Shepherds | Giuseppe Salviati - Justice | Aureliano Milani--Hilly Landscape with Three Figures | Eyck, Gaspar van-Marina-81 cm x 107 cm | Giaquinto, Corrado-San Lorenzo en la Gloria-97 cm x 137 cm | Paul Signac - The Port of Saint-Tropez | Charles Loring Elliott--Mathew B | HOME |