Alessandro Turchi  - Saint Agnes Protected by an Angel
Alessandro Turchi
Saint Agnes Protected by an Angel

Alessandro Turchi  - Saint Agnes Protected by an Angel

Alessandro Turchi  - Saint Agnes Protected by an Angel

Alessandro Turchi  - Saint Agnes Protected by an Angel

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| Attributed to Simon Bening--Virgin and Child | Goya--Tiburcio Perez y Cuervo, the Architect | Honore Daumier (1808-1879)-Les Philantropes du Jour Monsieur le Maire De passage dans votre ville | Edwin Sandys Cicely Sandys (nee Wilford) from NPG | Zwart, Willem de -- Rijtuigen met wachtende koetsiers, 1890-1894 | Haes, Carlos de-Canal holandes-14,5 cm x 40 cm | Jerome Myers (1867-1940)-Mother and Child | Velazquez, Diego Rodriguez de Silva y-El bufon llamado don Juan de Austria-210 cm x 123 cm | Samuel Bell Waugh - Dorothea Lynde Dix | Master of the Johnson Ascension of Saint Mary Magdalene, Italian (active Florence), active c. 1500 -- The Ascension of Saint Mary Magdalene | HOME |