Antonio de Espinosa - The Twelve Months of the Year 5
Antonio de Espinosa
The Twelve Months of the Year 5

Antonio de Espinosa - The Twelve Months of the Year 5

Antonio de Espinosa - The Twelve Months of the Year 5

Antonio de Espinosa - The Twelve Months of the Year 5

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| Odilon Redon--Pandora | Thomas Bewick by James Ramsay | JOSEPH CHRISTIAN- (41) | Melendez, Luis Egidio-Bodegon con naranjas, melon y cajas de dulces-36 cm x 50 cm | Imitator of Giorgione - A Man in Armour | Hendrick ter Brugghen - A Man playing a Lute | Jan Both - A Rocky Italian Landscape with Herdsmen and Muleteers | Murillo, Bartolome Esteban-Nicolas Omazur-83 cm x 73 cm | Francesco Pesellino and Fra Filippo Lippi and workshop - The Pistoia Santa Trinita Altarpiece | Jean Victor Bertin--Classical Landscape with Figures | HOME |