Correggio (Antonio di Pellegrino Allegri), Italian (active Parma), 1489-1534 -- Virgin and Child, with Saint Elizabeth and the Young Saint John the Baptist
Correggio (Antonio di Pellegrino Allegri), Italian (active Parma), 1489-1534
Virgin and Child, with Saint Elizabeth and the Young Saint John the Baptist

Correggio (Antonio di Pellegrino Allegri), Italian (active Parma), 1489-1534 -- Virgin and Child, with Saint Elizabeth and the Young Saint John the Baptist

Correggio (Antonio di Pellegrino Allegri), Italian (active Parma), 1489-1534 -- Virgin and Child, with Saint Elizabeth and the Young Saint John the Baptist

Correggio (Antonio di Pellegrino Allegri), Italian (active Parma), 1489-1534 -- Virgin and Child, with Saint Elizabeth and the Young Saint John the Baptist

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