Dwight Williams (1856 - 1932) (American)-Untitled Landscape (County Cork)
Dwight Williams (1856
1932) (American)-Untitled Landscape (County Cork)

Dwight Williams (1856 - 1932) (American)-Untitled Landscape (County Cork)

Dwight Williams (1856 - 1932) (American)-Untitled Landscape (County Cork)

Dwight Williams (1856 - 1932) (American)-Untitled Landscape (County Cork)

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| Reinier Nooms -- View of the old Louvre and the Petit Bourbon | Ambrose Andrews--The Children of Nathan Starr | Andrea Mantegna -- Judgment of Solomon | Jean-Antoine Watteau (1684 - 1721) (French)-Two Figure Studies of | Follower of Bronzino - Portrait of a Lady | Paul Gauguin37 | Follower of Sodoma - The Nativity with the Infant Baptist and Shepherds | Giovanni Antonio Pellegrini - Aurora | Pierre Henri de Valenciennes or Circle--Sky at Dusk | Giaquinto, Corrado-La Flagelacion de Cristo-139 cm x 96 cm | HOME |