Francesco Guardi, Italian (active Venice), 1712-1793 -- The Meeting of Pope Pius VI and Doge Paolo Renier at San Giorgio in Alga
Francesco Guardi, Italian (active Venice), 1712-1793
The Meeting of Pope Pius VI and Doge Paolo Renier at San Giorgio in Alga

Francesco Guardi, Italian (active Venice), 1712-1793 -- The Meeting of Pope Pius VI and Doge Paolo Renier at San Giorgio in Alga

Francesco Guardi, Italian (active Venice), 1712-1793 -- The Meeting of Pope Pius VI and Doge Paolo Renier at San Giorgio in Alga

Francesco Guardi, Italian (active Venice), 1712-1793 -- The Meeting of Pope Pius VI and Doge Paolo Renier at San Giorgio in Alga

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