Martin Rico y Ortega - Washerwoman at the Varenne River
Martin Rico y Ortega
Washerwoman at the Varenne River

Martin Rico y Ortega - Washerwoman at the Varenne River

Martin Rico y Ortega - Washerwoman at the Varenne River

Martin Rico y Ortega - Washerwoman at the Varenne River

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| Attributed to Hugo van der Goes, Netherlandish (active Ghent), first documented 1467, died 1482 -- Virgin and Child | Domingo Marques, Francisco-Autorretrato-118,5 cm x 90 cm | Escalante, Juan Antonio de Frias y-Abraham y los tres angeles-109 cm x 145 cm | The Plough and the Harrow (after Millet) | Walter Griffin (1861 - 1935) (American)-Carcassonne | Eustache Le Sueur -- Phaeton asks Apollo to drive the Chariot of the Sun | Portrait of Joseph-Michel Ginoux | Behr, Carel Jacobus -- Stadswal met kruitmagazijn, 1830 | Pierre Guerin (1774-1833) -- Clytemnestra Hesitating to Strike Agamemnon in His Sleep | After Gonzales Coques - Taste | HOME |