Giovanni Toscani (Giovanni di Francesco Toscani), Italianborn 1370-80, died 1430 -- The Baptism of Christ and the Martyrdom of Saint James the Great
Giovanni Toscani (Giovanni di Francesco Toscani), Italianborn 1370-80, died 1430
The Baptism of Christ and the Martyrdom of Saint James the Great

Giovanni Toscani (Giovanni di Francesco Toscani), Italianborn 1370-80, died 1430 -- The Baptism of Christ and the Martyrdom of Saint James the Great

Giovanni Toscani (Giovanni di Francesco Toscani), Italianborn 1370-80, died 1430 -- The Baptism of Christ and the Martyrdom of Saint James the Great

Giovanni Toscani (Giovanni di Francesco Toscani), Italianborn 1370-80, died 1430 -- The Baptism of Christ and the Martyrdom of Saint James the Great

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