Jan August Leys, Belgian, 1815-1869 -- Faust and Marguerite
Jan August Leys, Belgian, 1815-1869
Faust and Marguerite

Jan August Leys, Belgian, 1815-1869 -- Faust and Marguerite

Jan August Leys, Belgian, 1815-1869 -- Faust and Marguerite

Jan August Leys, Belgian, 1815-1869 -- Faust and Marguerite

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| Theodore Chasseriau - Battle between Romans and Barbarians, ca. 1850-1855 | Adolph Menzel NC053 | Unknown - Five Chicks, ca. 1820-1840 | Caullery, Louis de -- Feestvierend gezelschap bij avond, 1600-1620 | Brueghel el Viejo, Jan-Los Archiduques Isabel Clara Eugenia y Alberto en el-126 cm x 153 cm | Johann Michael Rottmayr - Johann Michael Rottmayr - Battle of the Gods and Giants, 1705-1708 d1 | Ola Alice Forbes Wickham - Young Cottonwoods, 1940 | Juanes, Juan de-San Esteban en la sinagoga-160 cm x 123 cm | Agustin Esteve y Marques, Spanish, 1753-c. 1820 -- Portrait of Isidro Gonzalez Velasquez | Foschini, Michele-Carlos III renuncia a la corona de Napoles-102,5 cm x 128,8 cm | HOME |