Jonas Umbach--February (one of a series representing the labors
Jonas Umbach
February (one of a series representing the labors

Jonas Umbach--February (one of a series representing the labors

Jonas Umbach--February (one of a series representing the labors

Jonas Umbach--February (one of a series representing the labors

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| Fortuny Marsal, Mariano Madrazo y Garreta, Raimundo de-Jardin de la casa de Fortuny | Unknown man, formerly known as Sir Isaac Newton from NPG | Claude Monet 301 | John Smibert--Francis Brinley | Loo, Louis Michel van-Diana en un paisaje-109 cm x 133 cm | Horatio Walker - Ploughing in Acadia, 1886 | Anonymous - Portrait of James I (1566-1625), King of England | Georges Seurat12 | King Henry VIII by Hans Holbein the Younger | Francesco Botticini - The Crucifixion | HOME |