Laurent de La Hyre - The Assumption
Laurent de La Hyre
The Assumption

Laurent de La Hyre - The Assumption

Laurent de La Hyre - The Assumption

Laurent de La Hyre - The Assumption

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| Arthur Bowen Davies (1862-1928)-Landscape from A.B | El Greco-San Antonio de Padua-104 cm x 79 cm | Salomon van Ruysdael, Dutch (active Haarlem), 1600-03-1670 -- Landscape with Cattle and an Inn | Pierre-Auguste Renoir - Rocky Crags at L Estaque | PIERRE-AUGUSTE RENOIR -ETUDE DE FEMME AU CHAPEAU JAUNE | Madame Riviere -- 1806 | Ostade, Adriaen van -- De kwakzalver, 1648 | Velazquez, Diego Rodriguez de Silva y (Circulo de)-Retrato de bufon con perro | Georges Seurat20 | Sir Colin Campbell by William Salter | HOME |