Master of the Legend of Saint Ursula, Netherlandish (active Bruges), active c. 1470-c. 1500 -- Portrait of a Man Praying possibly Ludovico Portinari
Master of the Legend of Saint Ursula, Netherlandish (active Bruges), active c. 1470-c. 1500
Portrait of a Man Praying possibly Ludovico Portinari

Master of the Legend of Saint Ursula, Netherlandish (active Bruges), active c. 1470-c. 1500 -- Portrait of a Man Praying possibly Ludovico Portinari

Master of the Legend of Saint Ursula, Netherlandish (active Bruges), active c. 1470-c. 1500 -- Portrait of a Man Praying possibly Ludovico Portinari

Master of the Legend of Saint Ursula, Netherlandish (active Bruges), active c. 1470-c. 1500 -- Portrait of a Man Praying possibly Ludovico Portinari

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