Paolo Schiavo (Paolo di Stefano Badaloni), Italian (active Florence and environs), 1397-1478 -- The Adoration of the Magi
Paolo Schiavo (Paolo di Stefano Badaloni), Italian (active Florence and environs), 1397-1478
The Adoration of the Magi

Paolo Schiavo (Paolo di Stefano Badaloni), Italian (active Florence and environs), 1397-1478 -- The Adoration of the Magi

Paolo Schiavo (Paolo di Stefano Badaloni), Italian (active Florence and environs), 1397-1478 -- The Adoration of the Magi

Paolo Schiavo (Paolo di Stefano Badaloni), Italian (active Florence and environs), 1397-1478 -- The Adoration of the Magi

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