Edgar Hilaire Germain de Gas034
Edgar Hilaire Germain de Gas034

Edgar Hilaire Germain de Gas034

Edgar Hilaire Germain de Gas034

Edgar Hilaire Germain de Gas034

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| Cajes, Eugenio-Imposicion de la casulla a San Ildefonso-40 cm x 51 cm | Ximenez, Miguel-Santa Catalina-140 cm x 75 cm | Coxie, Michiel I-Jesus con la Cruz a cuestas-81 cm x 50 cm | Alexandre Calame -- Mountain Landscape | Peder Balke - Stormy Sea | Asch, Pieter Jansz. van -- Boomrijk landschap., 1640-1678 | Master of Delft - The Crucifixion - Central Panel | Attributed to the Master of the Legend of Saint Ursula, Netherlandish (active Bruges), active c. 1470-c | edouard Manet - The Folkestone Boat, Boulogne | Vincent van Gogh--First Steps, after Millet | HOME |