Gustav Klimt022
Gustav Klimt022

Gustav Klimt022

Gustav Klimt022

Gustav Klimt022

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| Bartholomaeus Spranger -- Hermaphroditus and the nymph Salamacis | Unknown woman, formerly known as Margaret (Peg) Woffington by Francis Hayman | Giovanni Battista Tiepolo--Scherzo di Fantasia Standing Warrior | Cornelis van Poelenburch--Landscape with Roman Ruins | John Frederick Kensett--October in the Marshes | perhaps Giulio Romano -- Saint Margaret | Codde, Pieter -- Familiegroep, 1642 | Camille Corot--A Village Street Dardagny | Arent Diepraem - A Peasant seated smoking | Moritz Michael Daffinger - The Actor Joseph Koberwein as Duke Alfons in Goethe Torquato Tasso, | HOME |