Margaret, Countess of Cumberland from NPG
Margaret, Countess of Cumberland from NPG

Margaret, Countess of Cumberland from NPG

Margaret, Countess of Cumberland from NPG

Margaret, Countess of Cumberland from NPG

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| Georges Seurat33 | Winslow Homer--Study for Eagle Head, Manchester, Massachusetts | John Constable (93) | Miguel angel (Discipulo de)-La Flagelacion-99 cm x 71 cm | Anonimo-Diego Hurtado de Mendoza-45 cm x 33 cm | Henry Hardinge, 1st Viscount Hardinge of Lahore by Sir Francis Grant | Maestro de Miraflores-El Bautismo de Cristo-113 cm x 76 cm | Claude Monet 215 | Master of the Bracciolini Chapel, Italianactive c. 1414-c. 1426 -- Virgin and Child, with Saints Lucy, John the Baptist, Rose, and Bartholomew | Ostade, Adriaen van -- De schaatsenrijders, boerengezelschap in interieur, 1650 | HOME |