Peter Paul Rubens479
Peter Paul Rubens479

Peter Paul Rubens479

Peter Paul Rubens479

Peter Paul Rubens479

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| Meulener, Pieter-Choque de caballeria-37 cm x 50 cm | John Hervey, Baron Hervey of Ickworth by Jean Baptiste van Loo | Munkacsy, Mihaly (1844 - 1900) (Hungarian)-Condemned Cell I | Garofalo - The Agony in the Garden | Paris Bordone - Portrait of a Bearded Man, 1533 | Pierre Puvis de Chavannes--The River | Raffaello Santi033 (3) | View from the Window of Vincents Studio | Teniers, David Uden, Lucas van-Merienda de aldeanos-42 cm x 58 cm | Gilles-Marie Oppenord--Design for a Monument to a Military Leader | HOME |